How Does Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Work?

Interested to know how does non-surgical spinal decompression work? You’re at the correct place! Whether it be chronic back or neck pain, non-surgical spinal decompression is the best treatment for lifelong pain relief at much less cost than the surgery expenses.

What is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression?

Non-surgical spinal decompression is a kind of non-invasive treatment procedure for chronic back & neck pain. It involves:

  • Zero medications or injections
  • No hospitalisation
  • Zero risks associated with surgery or anaesthesia
  • No side effects
  • Affordable cost


How Spinal Decompression Works?

Following is the step-by-step treatment procedure of the non-surgical spinal decompression treatment:

  • You will be asked to lie down on the treatment table with your face facing the table cover.
  • Next, you will be attached to the specialised non-surgical spinal decompression treatment machine.
  • The tension level of the machine will be set to a level specified by the spine expert as per the condition you’re suffering from and its severity.
  • The level of tension will then be automatically regulated by the machine.
  • The machine will gently stretch the spine, alleviating any pressure present on spinal nerves, spinal discs, joints & connective tissues.
  • The reduction in pressure will boost blood circulation, facilitating the supply of oxygen, water and related nutrients to the spine.
  • This will accelerate the healing of the condition present.
  • A number of such treatment sessions will take place for around 6 weeks until the condition is completely treated.


Benefits of Spinal Decompression

Check out the various amazing benefits of non-surgical spinal decompression treatment:

  • 100% non-surgical treatment
  • Completely painless procedure
  • Pain relief within a few weeks time
  • Relieve back/neck pain that radiates down the legs & arms
  • Treatment can be personalised to fulfill each patient’s requirements


Conditions Treated by Spinal Decompression

Non-surgical spinal decompression can help treat a variety of conditions & injuries, including:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Spinal pain
  • Slipped disc
  • Sciatica
  • Spondylosis
  • Disc degeneration
  • Pain radiating into the hands, arms or legs
  • Tingling or numbness in arms


Studies on Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

Go through some of the research studies conducted by reputed journals and the conclusions they made:

Study 1 – Chronic Lower Back Pain

This research study was published in the Journal of Science & Medicine in Sport. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety & effectiveness of non-surgical spinal decompression treatment.

The study comprised 20 patients suffering from chronic lower back pain. The condition was linked with the detection of bulging or herniated discs, lower back pain associated with musculoskeletal issues, degenerative discs, or sciatica.

The non-surgical spinal decompression treatment was conducted for a period of 6 weeks with 20 sessions, each lasting 28 minutes. The research study results indicated a decrease in pain score from 6.4 to 0.8 in the 6th week, wherein 0 signifies no pain and 10 indicates extreme pain.

The study also mentioned a recorded enhancement in the range of motion & zero negative effects caused by the treatment. Moreover, the results stated that none of the patients needed any further invasive treatments.

Study 2 – Disc Height

Published in the BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Journal, this research study was conducted to figure out any modifications in lumbar disc height for individuals who had undergone spinal decompression therapy for a period of 6 weeks.

It comprised 30 individuals (9 males & 21 females) with an average age of 65 years, suffering from lumbar disc herniation. It calculated results in pain relief on a verbal rating scale of 0-10 as a component of the assessment.

After the treatment, it was found that there was a significant reduction in lower back pain with a drop from the initial 6.2/10 to 1.6/10 after the treatment. In addition to that, there was a big rise in disc height from 7.5 mm – 8.8 mm.

The conclusion of this study mentioned that non-surgical spinal decompression therapy was linked with pain decrease via a rise in disc height for individuals experiencing chronic discogenic lower back pain.

Study 3 – Lumbosacral Pain

This research study was published in the American Journal of Pain Management. It comprised 39 patients, with 12 women & 27 men from the age group of 31-63. They had been suffering from back pain for a duration of 1-20 years.

The study’s results mentioned that spinal decompression treatment provided a minimum pain relief of 50-89%, up to 90-100% for patients experiencing pain due to Ruptured Intervertebral Disc. In addition, sciatica & back pain in patients was successfully treated due to the treatment.

The results also stated the impact of spinal decompression on patients diagnosed with Facet Arthrosis. It concluded that 75% of patients experienced minimum pain relief of 50-89%, stretching up to 100% enhancement in pain relief after the treatment.

Study 4 – Herniated & Degenerative Disc Disease

Published in the Orthopedic Technology Review Journal, this study was carried out to assess the outcomes of spinal decompression treatment on 219 individuals (140 males & 79 females). They had been diagnosed with herniated & degenerative disc disease and belonged to the 24-74 age group.

The conclusion of the research study was that 86% of individuals felt instant relief from symptoms & 84% of them were free of pain 90 days after the treatment came to an end. Additional physical examination discovered that 92% of the 219 patients reported some kind of pain relief.

To summarise, the results demonstrated that spinal decompression treatment was successful in decreasing the pain and normalised the range of motion, reflex & gait in individuals with herniated & degenerative disc disease. Furthermore, it endorsed the fact that the cost of non-surgical spinal decompression treatment is a fraction of the surgery cost.


Want to experience lifelong pain relief from your chronic back or neck pain? Schedule an appointment at your nearest ANSSI Wellness Centre for a Detailed Consultation with our Spine Expert! Click here to book an appointment:


Non-surgical spinal decompression has a success rate of more than 85%.

Yes, spinal decompression can help treat herniated or bulging discs.


Gionis, Thomas A., and Eric Groteke. “Spinal decompression.” Orthopedic technology review 5 (2003): 36-39.

Daniel, Dwain M. “Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy: does the scientific literature support efficacy claims made in the advertising media?.” Chiropractic & Osteopathy 15.1 (2007): 1-5.

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