Is it possible for nonsurgical spinal decompression technology to alleviate muscle strain?

Despite the fact that injuries and complications associated with various sports vary, muscle strains are by far the most common sports-related injury. The most common cause of muscle strain, also known as muscle tear or a pulled muscle, is a sudden pressure that causes a muscle to be stretched beyond its normal range. Due to the rapid acceleration and deceleration of these muscles, the lower back, hamstrings, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius muscles are most susceptible to strain.

Muscle strain can be treated with a variety of methods that aid in pain, swelling, and full recovery. One such technology is nonsurgical spinal decompression, which your chiropractor will recommend based on your specific requirements. In this blog, we will talk about muscle strain and how non-surgical spinal decompression technology can treat this condition.

What is a muscle strain?

When a muscle or tendon is stretched too far or torn, it’s called a strain. It’s also known as a “pulled muscle.” It could cause anything from mild discomfort to severe pain and make daily life difficult. Muscle strain can range from mild to severe in severity. Pain, swelling, stiffness, a limited range of motion, and bruising are all possible signs. They are categorized according to their severity:

  • Grade 1 strain: The symptoms might not show up until the activity is finished. When muscles are stretched or contracted, there is no loss of strength or movement, but there may be a sensation of muscle tightness, cramps, or slight pain.
  • Grade 2 strain: When a muscle is stretched or contracted, there is immediate pain, swelling, decreased strength, and limited movement due to pain.
  • Grade 3 strain: This is a very serious injury. Pain that burns makes it impossible for an athlete to walk. A substantial lump of muscle tissue can be seen after the muscle has been completely torn. Pain, swelling, bruising, and complete loss of function occur immediately.

Why does muscle strain occur?

When a muscle stretches abruptly or more than usual, this is called an acute strain. The primary causes are as follows:

  • A chronic strain occurs when a muscle undergoes prolonged, repetitive movements from an occupation, sports, or other activity, such as rowing or tennis.
  • Slipping on ice or another slippery surface
  • Jumping, running or throwing

Risk factors include:

  • Muscle or joint fatigue
  • Extreme environmental conditions, such as icy or other slippery surfaces
  • Inadequate warm-up prior to physical activity
  • Lack of muscle conditioning able to sustain a given physical activity

Your doctor may want to use diagnostic imaging to get a clearer picture of your muscle condition and the root cause of your pain. Spinal decompression may be suggested, depending on the cause of your muscle strain.

How nonsurgical spinal decompression works

A spinal decompression session may take less than an hour, you can wear what you like, and you don’t need to take any medications. There is no pain and very little recovery time with this treatment. Additionally, it does not call for anesthesia.

For nonsurgical spinal decompression, you will lie face up or face down on a specialized table and rest your legs on a bar. Because the machine actually contributes to lengthening your spine, the actual spinal decompression you experience is gentle and slow. A doctor who is licensed to perform spinal decompression controls the machine, which also makes use of a computer to tailor your treatment.

The relief of pressure on your spine is the objective of spinal decompression. The pressure that has built up along your neck and back muscles is relieved as your spine lengthens, reducing pain and discomfort. Additionally, it may facilitate a more efficient flow of blood and nutrients through your spine, joints, muscles, and soft tissues. Your body may be able to heal itself more quickly and effectively with improved circulation. The healing process includes restoring a healthy flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the affected area so that you can experience long-term pain relief.

Wrapping up

Contact our ANSSI Wellness spinal decompression specialists if this sounds like a good option to you. You can talk to our team about your pain and receive a diagnosis and treatment plan that will provide you with safe, natural, and long-lasting pain relief.

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