Chronic back pain is now considered to be one of the major epidemics around the world. According to statistical data, back pain is one of the leading health problems in India, with a lifetime prevalence rate of 66%.
Among the many causes of back pain, certain spinal disorders are considered to be important. The following are the most frequently observed spinal disorders and we will discuss the different ways an affected individual can manage the pain caused in such cases.
Herniated Disc
The human spinal structure is formed by bony structures known as vertebrae. Located between these vertebrae are the intervertebral discs, each containing the gel-like substance to provide fluidity for the spinal column. When a disc becomes herniated, part of its inner material shifts and protrudes through the protective casing. Although some herniated discs show no symptoms, these frequently cause problems by compressing the nerves in the spine.
Muscle Strain
Fatigue, stress, and wrong posture can put a strain on the muscles around the spine. This can lead to pain and stiffness extending from the neck down to the back area. To improve the health of back muscles, an individual can exercise while avoiding gaining excess weight. Before any intense physical exertion, it is also recommended to warm up to prevent any muscle pull.
Scoliosis is a medical term for a condition characterised by an abnormally curved spine which can be mild or severe. The prevalence of scoliosis in India has not been established. However, in the United States, around 2-3% of the population suffers from scoliosis.
It is a neck injury that may be caused by a sudden jerking or similar motion of the head. This sudden movement of the neck can stretch the neck muscles very awkwardly. This affects the intervertebral joints, discs, and ligaments in the neck and shoulders, leading to chronic pain. It is also important to note that after such an event or trauma, many people feel no signs of the condition initially, but may develop the symptoms later.
Among all spine conditions, osteoporosis is most frequent in elders. It refers to a lower bone density, where the bones in the spine become brittle and damaged. Osteoporosis usually leads to fractures, compressed vertebrae, and patients’ bodies bending forward.
Compression Fracture
This is common in elderly people, where the bones are so frail that they develop cracks or what can be termed hairline fractures in which the vertebrae may be affected. If a person has such cracks in their spine, that can lead to a compression fracture or a broken vertebra that has collapsed.
Many people have arthritis and it prominently affects the hands and limbs. It is the inflammation of joints, and it can get worse if not treated on time.
Non-Surgical Solutions For Spinal Disorders:
In most cases, the symptoms are managed with the help of physical therapy and medication. The most prominent treatment methods are as follows.
- Physical Therapy: It is the key aspect of managing patients with chronic back pain. Before you undergo spinal injections or other physical treatments, physical therapy can be useful in alleviating the pain, provided you work closely with your physician and physical therapist.
- Mindfulness and Meditation: The physical and emotional well-being of a patient suffering from chronic back pain is concerning. You may get help from a rehabilitation psychologist to address the frustration, irritability, depression, and other psychological impacts of chronic pain.
- Diet Change: Certain diet options are very inflammatory, especially those containing trans fats, refined sugar, and processed foods. Avoiding these can be helpful in your recovery.
- Lifestyle Modifications: Many chronic back pain symptoms can be controlled by avoiding unnecessary strain on your body. This also involves favouring comfortable, fun physical activities over harmful habits such as smoking.
- Injection-based Treatments: Injection therapies may include trigger point injections, epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, nerve ablations and other types of treatments for anyone suffering from chronic back pain.
- Alternative Treatments: Other possible non-surgical spine care methods include acupuncture, massage, biofeedback therapies, laser and electrical nerve stimulation therapies, and similar treatments for alleviating chronic back pain symptoms.
- Pharmacological Treatments: As many medications are prescribed for chronic back pain, the most common types include anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, nerve infection medications, and even antidepressants.
About ANSSI:
ANSSI Wellness focuses on improving the quality of life for patients suffering from spinal issues, aiming to provide relief where other conventional treatments have failed. Through advanced non-surgical spinal decompression treatment, ANSSI is committed to helping patients avoid surgery and recover in a safe, effective, and compassionate environment.